One To One Professional Company Limited.
One To One Professional Co., Ltd. was established on October 21, 2008 with a registered capital of 1 million baht by One To One Contacts Public Company Limited holding a total of 99,997 shares from the number of shares of the Company. in total of 100,000 shares or equal to 99.99 percent of the total shares of the Company. to operate a consulting service business Provide advice on personnel management and customer service personnel recruitment services.
The company increased its registered capital to 5 million baht to operate a cleaning robot business to expand its information technology business. electronics and digital products and services
Increased registered capital to 2 million baht to prepare for business operations in organizing training
- The company registered as a debt collection business operator. to be consistent with the business of
current company And in order to comply with the Debt Collection Act, B.E. 2558
- Registered capital on 7 August with a nominal capital of THB 20 million (fully paid up) with two million shares at THB10 par value.
- Provided Turnkey Total Solutions and Fully Outsourced Contact Center.
- Management Service to government agencies and corporate entities.
- Started to provide Customer Service Representative Outsourced and to open Call Center Service to other corporate entities.
- Operated a Contact Center Facility Outsourced.
- Increased registered capital to THB 100 million with 10 million shares at THB 10 par value in May.
- Received ISO 9001:2008 Certification Accredited.
- Awarded as No. 1 Thailand Outsourced Contact Center Company of the Year by Frost & Sullivan.
- Received three awards for Contact Center Services:
– Gold Winner APAC Best Contact Center
– Bronze Winner of Contact Center World Awards
– Generali’s Thailand Best Telemarketing Performance
- Established One to One Contacts Professional Company Limited (“OTP”), in October as its subsidiary by holding 99.99% shares of OTP to operate consultation service in personnel management and human resource management.
- Obtained the ISO/IEC 20000 certificate in IT Service Management.
- Two Awarded Winning Contact Center Services:
– Silver Winner of APAC Best Contact Center
– Silver Winner of Best Trainer
- Postponed its investment in One To One Contacts Vietnam Co., Ltd. due to various factors.
- Established Disaster Discovery Site or DR Site as a reserved center, provided that the company are capable of operating efficiently in emergency case, such as floods and riots, etc.
- Two Awarded Winning Contact Center Services:
1) Silver Winner of APAC Best Mid-sized Contact Center (SRT project)
2) Bronze Winner of APAC Best Customer Service (TCCC project) - Awarded COPC Registered Coordinator by Customer Operation Performance Center (COPC), the world’s leading authority on Contact Center Operations Management.
- Transformed to be public company limited and change par value from THB 10 to THB 1 on March, 27.
- Increased registered capital to THB 280 million via the issuance of additional 180.0 million ordinary shares, 110 million are dividend shares. The first initial public offering is 70 million shares at par value of THB 1.0 per share.
- Established One To One (Cambodia) Company Limited, on September 13, with a nominal capital of USD 5,000 with the main function of providing management services to establish customer relationship and information systems beginning in the first quarter of 2014.
- Received ISO/IEC 270001:2005 Certification Information Security.
- The Company was awarded the 2013 Frost & Sullivan Thailand Excellence Awards: Outsourced Contact Center Vendor of the Year from Frost & Sullivan as a leader of contact center provider in Thailand.
- The Company has been listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand (MAI) on May 15, 2014.
- Provided a Fully Outsourced Contact Center Management Service to customers in private companies in Cambodia in March 2014. The office was located at 18-E4, 4th Floor, The iCon Professional Building, 216 Norodom Blvd., Tonle Bassac, Chamkarmorn, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia and Board of Directors approved to increase registered capital to USD. 200,000.
- The Company was awarded 2014 Frost & Sullivan Thailand Excellence Awards: Outsourced Contact Center Vendor of the Year from Frost & Sullivan as a leader of contact center provider in Thailand.
- The Company launched new technologies in the Customer Management Service:
– Cloud Contact Center
– Social Monitoring & Social CRM
– Telecom Expense Management Service - The company started “Work Anywhere” project to change the type of work of staff.
- The Company was awarded 2015 2015 Frost & Sullivan Thailand Excellence Awards: Outsourced Contact Center Vendor of the Year from Frost & Sullivan as a leader of contact center provider in Thailand.
- The company launched new service, Social One, its tracking of social media channels for customer’s information which impacted to company’s image.
- The Company provided Omni-Channel technology, to integrate data continually across all channels to improve customer satisfaction.
- The company has backed up information on cloud system to prevent information loss according to Business Continuity Plan.
- The company has been certified International Organization for Standardization version 2015 (ISO 9001: 2015).
- One To One (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. increased registered capital to USD. 440,000.
- The Company was awarded 2016 Frost & Sullivan Thailand Excellence Awards: Outsourced Contact Center Service Provider of the Year from Frost & Sullivan as a leader of contact center provider in Thailand.
- The Company has received “2017 Frost & Sullivan Thailand Excellence Awards: Outsourced Contact Center Service Provider of the Year”, as the leading private organization for contact center service provider of Thailand for 5 consecutive years.
- The Company has received “Top Innovative Organization” award of the year 2017 from the National Innovation Agency (Public organization) for our professional management of innovations throughout the entire organization.
- The Company was awarded “2018 Frost & Sullivan Thailand Excellence Awards: Outsourced Contact Center Service Provider of the Year”, as the leading private organization for contact center service provider of Thailand for 6 consecutive years.
- The Company was awarded “Asia’s Most Trusted Contact Center and Customer Management Services Company” from the International Brand Consulting Corporation, USA.
- The Company established new subsidiary, Inno Hub Company Limited developed the digital service innovation.
- The Company was awarded “2019 Frost & Sullivan Thailand Excellence Awards: Outsourced Contact Center Service Provider of the Year”, as the leading private organization for contact center service provider of Thailand for 7 consecutive years.
- One To One (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. increased registered capital to USD. 600,000.
- The company has been recertified ISO 27001:2013, Information Security Management System (ISMS) on September 6, 2019.
- The Company has changed in major shareholders structure which resulted in the Company was not a subsidiary of Samart Corporation Plc. since December 9, 2020.
- One To One Professional Co., Ltd. increased registered capital to Bath 5,000,000 for operating cleaning robot business.
- The Company was awarded “2020 Frost & Sullivan Thailand Excellence Awards: Outsourced Contact Center Service Provider of the Year”, as the leading private organization for contact center service provider of Thailand for 8 consecutive years.
- The company receive Asia’s Leading SMEs Awards 2020. The Asia Corporate Excellence & Sustainability Awards (ACES) from MORs Group.
- Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI) 2020 from The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET)
- บจก. อินโน ฮับ (บริษัทย่อย) เข้าลงทุนในบจก. อินไซท์ มีเดีย กรุ๊ป เป็นธุรกิจด้านการผลิตสื่อโฆษณา โดยการเข้าซื้อหุ้นสามัญ จำนวน 1,964,000 หุ้น มูลค่า 5,000,000 บาท
- 25 สิงหาคม 2564 บริษัท บจก. อินโน ฮับ (บริษัทย่อย) เพิ่มทุนจดทะเบียนเป็น 10,000,000 บาท (14 กุมภาพันธ์ 2565 เพิ่มทุนจดทะเบียนเป็น 50,000,000 บาท)
- เข้าลงทุนในบมจ. ฮินซิซึ (ประเทศไทย) เป็นธุรกิจด้านผลิตงานชิลค์สกรีนเนมเพลท เลเบลสติ๊กเกอร์ โดยเข้าซื้อหุ้นสามัญจากผู้ขาย คือ บมจ. ไซแมท เทคโนโลยี ซึ่งเป็นผู้ถือหุ้นปัจจุบันของฮินซิซึ จำนวน 100,000 หุ้น มูลค่า 175,000,000 บาท
- บริษัทเพิ่มทุนจดทะเบียนจำนวน 560,000,000 บาท เป็นทุนจดทะเบียนใหม่ จำนวน 840,000,000 บาท และในวันที่ 28 ตุลาคม 2564 จดทะเบียนเปลี่ยนแปลงทุนจดทะเบียนชำระแล้วของบริษัทจำนวน 559,999,995 บาท โดยมีจำนวนหุ้นที่จำหน่ายได้แล้วทั้งหมด 559,999,995 หุ้น มูลค่าที่ตราไว้ หุ้นละ 1 บาท
- บจก. อินโน ฮับ (บริษัทย่อย) ขายหุ้นสามัญในบจก. อินไซท์ มีเดีย กรุ๊ป (“IMG”) ให้แก่ บจก. เอชพีเอส วัน พร็อพเพอร์ตี้ จำนวน 1,964,000 หุ้น โดยมีมูลค่าการซื้อขายเท่ากับ 6,000,000 บาท
- 10 พฤศจิกายน 2564 ที่ประชุมคณะกรรมการบริษัทครั้งที่ 13/2564 มีมติอนุมัติปิด บริษัทวันทูวัน (แคมโบเดีย) จำกัด โดยสิ้นสุดการดำเนินกิจการเมื่อวันที่ 31 มกราคม 2565 (ปัจจุบันอยู่ระหว่างการชำระบัญชี)
- บริษัทได้รับมาตรฐาน “ISO 29110 Management Systems and Software Engineering” มาตรฐานที่ให้การรับรองคุณภาพการบริหารงาน หรือผลิตภัณฑ์ซอฟต์แวร์ เพื่อให้มีการพัฒนาซอฟต์แวร์ที่เป็นระบบตามกระบวนการทางสากล
- บริษัทได้รับรางวัล “2021 Thailand Customer Experience Outsourcing Services Company of the Year” จาก Frost & Sullivan เป็นปีที่ 9 ติดต่อกัน
- บริษัทได้รับคัดเลือกเป็นหุ้นยั่งยืน “Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI) ประจำปี 2564” จากตลาดหลักทรัพย์แห่งประเทศไทย เป็นปีที่ 2
- Registered capital on 7 August with a nominal capital of THB 20 million (fully paid up) with two million shares at THB10 par value.
- Provided Turnkey Total Solutions and Fully Outsourced Contact Center.
- Management Service to government agencies and corporate entities.
- Started to provide Customer Service Representative Outsourced and to open Call Center Service to other corporate entities.
- Operated a Contact Center Facility Outsourced.
- Increased registered capital to THB 100 million with 10 million shares at THB 10 par value in May.
- Received ISO 9001:2008 Certification Accredited.
- Awarded as No. 1 Thailand Outsourced Contact Center Company of the Year by Frost & Sullivan.
- Received three awards for Contact Center Services:
– Gold Winner APAC Best Contact Center
– Bronze Winner of Contact Center World Awards
– Generali’s Thailand Best Telemarketing Performance
- Established One to One Contacts Professional Company Limited (“OTP”), in October as its subsidiary by holding 99.99% shares of OTP to operate consultation service in personnel management and human resource management.
- Obtained the ISO/IEC 20000 certificate in IT Service Management.
- Two Awarded Winning Contact Center Services:
– Silver Winner of APAC Best Contact Center
– Silver Winner of Best Trainer
- Postponed its investment in One To One Contacts Vietnam Co., Ltd. due to various factors.
- Established Disaster Discovery Site or DR Site as a reserved center, provided that the company are capable of operating efficiently in emergency case, such as floods and riots, etc.
- Two Awarded Winning Contact Center Services:
1) Silver Winner of APAC Best Mid-sized Contact Center (SRT project)
2) Bronze Winner of APAC Best Customer Service (TCCC project) - Awarded COPC Registered Coordinator by Customer Operation Performance Center (COPC), the world’s leading authority on Contact Center Operations Management.
- Transformed to be public company limited and change par value from THB 10 to THB 1 on March, 27.
- Increased registered capital to THB 280 million via the issuance of additional 180.0 million ordinary shares, 110 million are dividend shares. The first initial public offering is 70 million shares at par value of THB 1.0 per share.
- Established One To One (Cambodia) Company Limited, on September 13, with a nominal capital of USD 5,000 with the main function of providing management services to establish customer relationship and information systems beginning in the first quarter of 2014.
- Received ISO/IEC 270001:2005 Certification Information Security.
- The Company was awarded the 2013 Frost & Sullivan Thailand Excellence Awards: Outsourced Contact Center Vendor of the Year from Frost & Sullivan as a leader of contact center provider in Thailand.
- The Company has been listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand (MAI) on May 15, 2014.
- Provided a Fully Outsourced Contact Center Management Service to customers in private companies in Cambodia in March 2014. The office was located at 18-E4, 4th Floor, The iCon Professional Building, 216 Norodom Blvd., Tonle Bassac, Chamkarmorn, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia and Board of Directors approved to increase registered capital to USD. 200,000.
- The Company was awarded 2014 Frost & Sullivan Thailand Excellence Awards: Outsourced Contact Center Vendor of the Year from Frost & Sullivan as a leader of contact center provider in Thailand.
- The Company launched new technologies in the Customer Management Service:
– Cloud Contact Center
– Social Monitoring & Social CRM
– Telecom Expense Management Service - The company started “Work Anywhere” project to change the type of work of staff.
- The Company was awarded 2015 2015 Frost & Sullivan Thailand Excellence Awards: Outsourced Contact Center Vendor of the Year from Frost & Sullivan as a leader of contact center provider in Thailand.
- The company launched new service, Social One, its tracking of social media channels for customer’s information which impacted to company’s image.
- The Company provided Omni-Channel technology, to integrate data continually across all channels to improve customer satisfaction.
- The company has backed up information on cloud system to prevent information loss according to Business Continuity Plan.
- The company has been certified International Organization for Standardization version 2015 (ISO 9001: 2015).
- One To One (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. increased registered capital to USD. 440,000.
- The Company was awarded 2016 Frost & Sullivan Thailand Excellence Awards: Outsourced Contact Center Service Provider of the Year from Frost & Sullivan as a leader of contact center provider in Thailand.
- The Company has received “2017 Frost & Sullivan Thailand Excellence Awards: Outsourced Contact Center Service Provider of the Year”, as the leading private organization for contact center service provider of Thailand for 5 consecutive years.
- The Company has received “Top Innovative Organization” award of the year 2017 from the National Innovation Agency (Public organization) for our professional management of innovations throughout the entire organization.
- The Company was awarded “2018 Frost & Sullivan Thailand Excellence Awards: Outsourced Contact Center Service Provider of the Year”, as the leading private organization for contact center service provider of Thailand for 6 consecutive years.
- The Company was awarded “Asia’s Most Trusted Contact Center and Customer Management Services Company” from the International Brand Consulting Corporation, USA.
- The Company established new subsidiary, Inno Hub Company Limited developed the digital service innovation.
- The Company was awarded “2019 Frost & Sullivan Thailand Excellence Awards: Outsourced Contact Center Service Provider of the Year”, as the leading private organization for contact center service provider of Thailand for 7 consecutive years.
- One To One (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. increased registered capital to USD. 600,000.
- The company has been recertified ISO 27001:2013, Information Security Management System (ISMS) on September 6, 2019.
- The Company has changed in major shareholders structure which resulted in the Company was not a subsidiary of Samart Corporation Plc. since December 9, 2020.
- One To One Professional Co., Ltd. increased registered capital to Bath 5,000,000 for operating cleaning robot business.
- The Company was awarded “2020 Frost & Sullivan Thailand Excellence Awards: Outsourced Contact Center Service Provider of the Year”, as the leading private organization for contact center service provider of Thailand for 8 consecutive years.
- The company receive Asia’s Leading SMEs Awards 2020. The Asia Corporate Excellence & Sustainability Awards (ACES) from MORs Group.
- Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI) 2020 from The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET)
- บจก. อินโน ฮับ (บริษัทย่อย) เข้าลงทุนในบจก. อินไซท์ มีเดีย กรุ๊ป เป็นธุรกิจด้านการผลิตสื่อโฆษณา โดยการเข้าซื้อหุ้นสามัญ จำนวน 1,964,000 หุ้น มูลค่า 5,000,000 บาท
- 25 สิงหาคม 2564 บริษัท บจก. อินโน ฮับ (บริษัทย่อย) เพิ่มทุนจดทะเบียนเป็น 10,000,000 บาท (14 กุมภาพันธ์ 2565 เพิ่มทุนจดทะเบียนเป็น 50,000,000 บาท)
- เข้าลงทุนในบมจ. ฮินซิซึ (ประเทศไทย) เป็นธุรกิจด้านผลิตงานชิลค์สกรีนเนมเพลท เลเบลสติ๊กเกอร์ โดยเข้าซื้อหุ้นสามัญจากผู้ขาย คือ บมจ. ไซแมท เทคโนโลยี ซึ่งเป็นผู้ถือหุ้นปัจจุบันของฮินซิซึ จำนวน 100,000 หุ้น มูลค่า 175,000,000 บาท
- บริษัทเพิ่มทุนจดทะเบียนจำนวน 560,000,000 บาท เป็นทุนจดทะเบียนใหม่ จำนวน 840,000,000 บาท และในวันที่ 28 ตุลาคม 2564 จดทะเบียนเปลี่ยนแปลงทุนจดทะเบียนชำระแล้วของบริษัทจำนวน 559,999,995 บาท โดยมีจำนวนหุ้นที่จำหน่ายได้แล้วทั้งหมด 559,999,995 หุ้น มูลค่าที่ตราไว้ หุ้นละ 1 บาท
- บจก. อินโน ฮับ (บริษัทย่อย) ขายหุ้นสามัญในบจก. อินไซท์ มีเดีย กรุ๊ป (“IMG”) ให้แก่ บจก. เอชพีเอส วัน พร็อพเพอร์ตี้ จำนวน 1,964,000 หุ้น โดยมีมูลค่าการซื้อขายเท่ากับ 6,000,000 บาท
- 10 พฤศจิกายน 2564 ที่ประชุมคณะกรรมการบริษัทครั้งที่ 13/2564 มีมติอนุมัติปิด บริษัทวันทูวัน (แคมโบเดีย) จำกัด โดยสิ้นสุดการดำเนินกิจการเมื่อวันที่ 31 มกราคม 2565 (ปัจจุบันอยู่ระหว่างการชำระบัญชี)
- บริษัทได้รับมาตรฐาน “ISO 29110 Management Systems and Software Engineering” มาตรฐานที่ให้การรับรองคุณภาพการบริหารงาน หรือผลิตภัณฑ์ซอฟต์แวร์ เพื่อให้มีการพัฒนาซอฟต์แวร์ที่เป็นระบบตามกระบวนการทางสากล
- บริษัทได้รับรางวัล “2021 Thailand Customer Experience Outsourcing Services Company of the Year” จาก Frost & Sullivan เป็นปีที่ 9 ติดต่อกัน
- บริษัทได้รับคัดเลือกเป็นหุ้นยั่งยืน “Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI) ประจำปี 2564” จากตลาดหลักทรัพย์แห่งประเทศไทย เป็นปีที่ 2
One to One Contacts has further expanded the scope of its services
by offering human resources training on contact center services. In 2007 alone, the company invested over 100 million baht to support its business expansion. The company has also improved and developed its customer service system to offer greater flexibility and benefits to customers.